
Sasquatch Is Here!

On sale now @ Smashwords Sasquatch Book

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Camping, an ovulating wife attracts the wrong attention.

Camping in a remote wilderness, someone is trying to kill David. He fears the reason is to attack his gorgeous wife, Amy. Trapped and unable to retrace their route back to safety, wilderness expert David must train Amy to use the compass and map. Knowing the history of people disappearing in the area, he can only hope Amy can escape should something happen.

As the contradictory evidence mounts, David is forced into one inescapable conclusion.

It isn’t someone trying to kill him!

It’s something.

A conclusion that makes utterly no sense!

When Amy, clad only in her underwear, steps out of their tent in the morning, her alarmed cry alerts David to trouble!

Intent on saving his love, David makes his first mistake!


The Excerpt

“Come on, sweetie, it’ll be fun,” I urged. The two of us were still in bed on a Sunday, snuggling in the early morning sunshine streaming through our bedroom window.

“Yeah, more like bugs, mosquitoes, snakes, bears and cougars, and that’s only if it doesn’t rain until we sprout web feet.”

“Don’t be so negative,” I answered, my finger seeking out that ticklish spot on her body.

She did have a point, though. The area lay in the coastal rainforest of British Columbia, and the chances of making it through our vacation without a good rainfall…yeah, zero. Still! I liked the idea of making out in the tent all day long with my favourite woman! As long as we didn’t get washed away.

“No, no, no, no, no!” she screamed, squirming away from me while Mr. Tickle Finger pursued her.

It's Hard To Put A Good Book Down!
It’s Hard To Put A Good Book Down!

On sale now Sasquatch Book

“Okay, okay, you cheater,” she said, still trying to fight me off which is pretty tough when you’re laughing and giggling. “You win, I’ll go.”

I smiled at her and leaned in to catch her soft lips. “I love you, ya know.”

“Ya, you just want to lose me in the wilderness,” she told me. “It’s not going to work; I’ll hunt you down.”

“Never happen, Babe. You’re stuck with me.”

“Yeah, well, the first leech I find I’m bailing,” she threatened.

I rolled my eyes! Really? “Aww, come on, babe, that only happened once,” I protested.

“Yeah, but it was on my perfect ass and left a scar.”

That it had I admitted. I slid down, rolling her over, finding the tiny white “Y” shaped scar on her left cheek.

“I could kiss it better, babe,” I offered, my lips tracing a path over that taut curve of her behind. She really did have a perfect ass. Scar suitably kissed, my lips searched for alternative targets of opportunity.

‘Ohhh,” she moaned, “keep going. I think it’s feeling better.”

Reading Sasquatch

On sale now Sasquatch Book

Sasquatch has generated a sequel. The piss-in-your-pants ending is now carried on in:

The Hunt For Titanoboa

An Ancient Carnivorous Snake Hunted

The Excerpt:

Don’t Miss The Exciting Sequel: The Hunt For Titanoboa

(Coming Soon)

“Look at the size of this skin,” Jill said excitedly, kneeling down to run her fingers over the skin shed by a moulting snake. “It’s got to be an easy thirty-five feet or more! And the body diameter, a good three feet in the middle. That’s incredible! It easily rivals the Gigantophis thirty-foot fossil.”

The expedition was going well, she thought; she’d seen several piles of snake scat and now this wonderful skin.

The famous herpetologist’s excitement wasn’t shared by the two men guarding her with rifles.  They were busy wondering if the guns they carried would even make a dent in a creature that size. Scanning the terrain uncertainly, they were hoping the critter wasn’t hanging around close by.

Jill cut several samples from the skin, enclosing them in various containers for tests later. Then took pictures with the guards standing at either end of the skin to show perspective.

With that accomplished, she told the nervous guards, “Ok, guys. Let’s head back. Dusk is coming. I don’t want to be out here in the dark. There’s some thought that the snakes hunt at night, although we haven’t confirmed that.”

After supper, Jill wended her way back to her tent. Switching on some battery-powered high-intensity lights, she started working with the skin. She carefully cut it up into tiny samples, some to try DNA testing and others to study under her microscope. She needed data to make educated guesses on whether this was Titanoboa or Gigantophis, two of the largest snakes ever, or an entirely new species. Titanoboa lived 50-60 million years ago. The fossil they’d found was close to fifty feet in length. It would be unbelievable to find a living colony of a species thought to be extinct.

If a live colony existed, there wouldn’t be a predator in the world to rival it!

While fossils had been found, no Titanoboa or Gigantophis DNA had survived to work with. However, some small imprints of their skin with the scales showing had been found. There was a chance she could match the moulted skin scales against one of the two gigantic snake’s imprints and confirm its identity. In her world, that would be a significant feather in her cap. It would be an even bigger feather if it turned out to be a new species.

Humming a little tune, she pushed a glass slide under her microscope and settled down to study it.


A mile away, a bush rustled when a large head poked its way out, tongue flickering while it sampled the faint smell in the air. Female! A chance to mate pulled on the carnivore’s senses.

Crawling closer, he saw something he’d never seen before. The area in front of him glowed like the sun; it stood out like a sore thumb in his vision. He could see a shadow moving around inside. Heat sensors told him it was MEAT! He crawled closer. The smell of a female was still very faint, telling him there was no female near. The barely-there scent he could detect seemed to be coming from that glowing area.


Jill yawned, stretched her arms and got up. Stripping down, she was getting ready to put on her nightie when she heard a rustle in the bush outside.

She had suspected for days that one of the swampers hired to carry equipment had been hovering around her tent at bedtime trying to get a glimpse.

Pissed off, she stomped out of her tent. If he wanted a look, she’d give him a look while taking a strip out of his hide for his perversion.

Outside, she saw no one. A drop of rain landed on her shoulder. She idly brushed at it, thinking that was strange; there was no rain in the forecast. Instead of brushing off, it smeared, telling her it was something else.

Jill’s head snapped up, horrified eyes staring into a dark tunnel of doom. The light from the dying campfire flickered slightly, reflecting from the pitiless eyes and fangs of the creature’s mouth. She tried to scream, but her throat froze up, and a slight gurgle was all that emerged. In that second, she realized that all her expected accolades would go elsewhere while she ended up somewhere in the dark forest as a pile of snake shit.

The snake struck…!

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